Xylene CAS Number: 95-47-6

• Xylene are any of three organic compounds (meta, Iso , and para-xylene ) with the formula (CH3)2C6H4. It is a colorless, flammable, slightly greasy liquid of great industrial and laboratory values.
• Mixed xylenes refers to a mixture of the xylenes (meta, Iso , and para-xylene ) plus ethylbenzene. The four compounds have identical empirical formulas C8H10.
• Xylenes are used as a solvent in printing, rubber, and leather industries.
• It is a common component of ink, rubber, and adhesives.
• In thinning paints and varnishes, it can be substituted for toluene where slower drying is desired
• Similarly it is a cleaning agent, e.g., for steel, silicon wafers, and integrated circuits. In dentistry, xylene can be used to dissolve gutta percha, a material used for endodontics (root-canal treatments).
• In the petroleum industry, xylene is also a frequent component of paraffin solvents, used when the tubing becomes clogged with paraffin wax.
